10 Best Paid Websites To Learn Coding

Best Paid Websites To Learn Coding

Before becoming a programmer or software developer, you must learn how to code. Taking the first step towards achieving this can be quite intimidating, especially if you do not know where or how to begin. Fortunately, the internet offers plenty of resources to aid your learning; you just need to know where to look.

The best paid websites to learn coding provide valuable courses and resources to turn an amateur into a skilled coder. Some websites offer coding courses using video, while others use text-based tutorials.

This article outlines 15 of the best paid websites to learn to code, so keep reading.

Best Paid Websites To Learn Coding

Below are the best websites to try if you are interested in learning to code online.

1. Udemy

This website is a reliable, popular hub for mastering various skills, including coding. It has over 80,000 courses, 35 000 instructions, and millions of students utilize this website to acquire and advance their skills. Top instructors take students through the numerous coding courses offered on this platform.

Check the ratings and feedbacks left by other students before enrolling in a class. You can learn various programming languages, such as JavaScript, Python, and Swift.

Udemy offers paid courses, but you can also access free classes. Watch out for flash sales that are frequently offered with up to 95% discounts.

2. Pluralsight

Skills in this platform are taught through a learning path, starting from the beginning to the end. The goal is to cover each path individually, learning everything in the right order. Pluralsight offers standard and premium plans for individuals going for $19 and $29 monthly, respectively.

Since its inception in 2004, Pluralsight has grown to host over 7000 tech-related online courses. The website is easy to navigate because of its intuitive UI/UX and is equipped with high-quality video classes.

The courses offered cover various subjects, including software development, web development, and cybersecurity. The website also offers a 10-day unpaid trial that lets you view up to 200 minutes of content.

3. Codecademy

Students at Columbia University founded Code Academy in 2011, designed to provide interactive learning. It offers free and paid classes with the Pro Lite and Pro plans for individuals going for $13.99 and $19.99 a month, respectively.

The programming languages training in this platform is extensive, covering different aspects such as Ruby, Python, Java, and JavaScript. In addition, the lessons in Codecademy entail multiple-choice questions helping you gauge your understanding of the topics.

Codecademy is great for beginners since the lessons instruct students to write a specific code type and offer instructions on how to do so. However, supplement your training with other resources offered and learn to think independently.

4. LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn acquired Lynda in 2015, which was established in 1995. It is now called LinkedIn Learning. This platform is considered among the best programming languages learning resources, offering a massive video courses library. LinkedIn Learning lets you learn technology skills at your desired speed.

There are over 17,000 courses at your disposal, with more added weekly. The difficulty level and content of these courses vary. There are courses tailored towards beginners and others that are better suited for advanced students.

Learning on this website costs $29.99 monthly, but you get a month-long free trial.

5. Team TreeHouse

This website is excellent if you want to learn various tech skills, such as mobile app development and web development. Team Treehouse teaches coding through a project-oriented approach. Therefore, it is great if you want to build a portfolio that has real-world projects. The courses are also quality, easy to follow, and prepared by professional instructors and teachers.

Since Team Treehouse develops its content independently, you get to enjoy a cohesive and consistent learning path. In addition, before paying the $25 monthly subscription, use the 7-day free trial to familiarize yourself with the platform and see if you like it.

6. One Month

This website is suitable if you want to learn coding within a month; it is great for learning about technology, programming, and web development. It offers an extensive library in these areas, including sample code, tutorials, and articles. It also has forums where learners can share ideas and ask questions.

You can pick different topics like HTML, JavaScript, web security, iOS development, Ruby on Rails, WordPress Theme Development, Ruby, and Python. Even learners can greatly benefit from learning on One Month. It costs $224. 25 annually. The popular courses offered by One Month are:

  • WordPress
  • Project Management
  • Growth Hacking
  • Product Management
  • MVP

7. Codegym

If you are interested in learning java programming online, then Code Gym is excellent since it focuses on it, teaching students everything they need to know from the ground up. This platform is recommended to computer science students and programming beginners since it is excellent for practicing coding.

The courses offered include lectures in multithreading, Java Syntax, Collections, and Core. It also has more than 200 tasks that have tips for coding style and instant verification. These tasks give you hands-on experience helping you gain a deeper understanding of java programming.

CodeGym understands that practice is of utmost importance when learning code which is why 80% of the coursework in this platform is 80% practice, while Java theory makes 20% of the coursework.

The premium subscription is $49 monthly, while Premium Pro is $99. You can access this website on mobile devices and desktops.

8. Udacity

This is a top educational portal offering accessible, affordable, engaging, and highly efficient resources to learn the skills needed to succeed at work. The company strives to provide the credentials that employers endorse, and the skills industry leaders require.

There are plenty of programming courses on this website you can take. In addition, there are many more courses tailored to cater to real-world applications like game development, web development, eCommerce, and application development.

Besides learning programming languages, Udacity also ensures you know how to use the newly acquired skills in different industries. In addition, Udacity offers mini technology degrees known as Nanodegrees that teach programming languages and relevant skills.

A Nanodegree will help you get into different careers, such as:

  • iOS Development
  • Machine Learning
  • Android Development
  • Data Science

Udemy crafts Nanondegrees with industry leaders such as AT&T, Google, IBM, and Facebook. Coaches and mentors provide support to Nanodgrees students, making sure they complete the program and amass the skills they require to get the job they want.

9. Code Avengers

This is a great tool for learning to build websites, applications, and games. It offers interactive courses in computer science, web development, and UI design. The classes on this website comprise coding challenges, video lectures, and quizzes.

Another advantage of learning coding on Code Avengers is that it is in different languages. Therefore, you can learn in your language of choice. Besides English, the courses are also available in Japanese, German, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, French, and Spanish.

The common programming languages you can take on this platform include JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and Python. These courses can take 1 to 3 months. Although Code Avengers courses are paid, it is a great investment as it helps you receive quality content, ensuring you absorb as much knowledge as you can.

Alternatively, take advantage of the free resources if you do not want to pay. Also, make sure of the 7-day free trial period to gauge whether paying for the classes will be worthwhile.

10. Upskill

This excellent learning resource for programming and web development provides a variety of learning tools like coding challenges, exercises, and video lessons, thus quite interactive. Most coding tutorials on this website are project-based, allowing you to build your coding project from start to end; hence you learn to code practically. Moreover, your projects will go into your portfolio, which you can use to impress clients or employers.

Upskill offers extensive content for advanced and beginner learners, and the classes do not involve boring lectures. The paid version offers more resources, but the free version is also just as impressive, offering over 200 lessons. In addition, it offers free coding classes in popular skills like Ruby on Rails, HTML and CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, and JavaScript.

Upskill pro membership is $19 monthly, and it unlocks premium lessons. This platform is beneficial if you want to boost your skills in practical coding quickly.

How to Choose Coding Courses on Paid Websites

Since learning websites for coding offer numerous courses, you should consider certain aspects before enrolling in a coding class.

1. Feedbacks

Read the feedbacks on the website’s course homepage to see the opinions of other students. A class with excellent feedbacks is worth considering.

2. Popularity

Go for a course with many students and good feedbacks.

3. Ratings

Choose a course rated 5 stars if possible.

4. Instructor

Watch some introductory videos to see the instructor’s teaching and speaking style, ensuring that you like them before enrolling.


With plenty of websites and resources available today, learning to code is easier than ever. The best paid websites to learn coding are curated to equip learners with the skills they need to excel in the tech industry.


Tom is a network engineer and a tech consultant. He spends his time solving networking problems while keeping tabs with the latest in the technology field.

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