Preparing For Running Injuries: What Runners Should Know


Running is one of the best cardio exercises for heart health. However, what many people won’t tell you is that it can put you at risk of injuries. This should not deter yo, though, because the result is worth it. You can prepare ahead and prevent running injuries as well as how to get back on your feet after an injury.

What Causes Running Injuries

One of the main causes of running injuries is poor health. Many people do not realize that they need to speak to a doctor before starting any exercise, especially strenuous ones. It also helps to speak to an NYC Medicaid planning attorney in case you have an injury. This helps reduce the cost you have to pay out of pocket.

Another major cause of running injuries is poor training practice. Here, a trainer is always recommended to help newbies adjust. They guide you through the simple mistakes you could be making that increase your chances of injury.

Not warming up is also a risk factor. You need to loosen your muscles and stretch to reduce your risk of straining them. Also, not using the proper shoes or gear can worsen things. This is why you need running shoes and not just any sneakers in the store. Confirm that the shoe provides support for the heels and proper balance before buying it.

Finally, overtraining is a major cause of injury. You don’t want to take on so much within a short period. Take it slow for a start and work your way up. You don’t need to run five miles on your first day. Take it one mile at a time.

Some Common Running Injuries

Running injuries often range from mild to severe, depending on which part of the leg is injured. Some of the most common ones include hamstring injury, Achilles tendinitis, labral tears, iliotibial band syndrome, meniscal tears, runners knee, and plantar fasciitis.

Others include shin splints, stress fractures, ACL tears, sprains, lower back pain, and stress fractures. Some people experience muscle pulls after running, but this is often resolved by itself.


Severe injuries lead to swelling, pain, weakness, and tenderness. Some injuries build up over time, while others are instant and may need medical intervention. Regardless of the one you’re experiencing, you should get medical help for a treatment plan.

Treatment Options

Your treatment options for running injuries depend on the severity of the injury. Most resolve on their own with enough rest. The doctor may also recommend using ice on the affected area to reduce the inflammation. Others may require some compression wrapping to reduce the swelling. Placing the injured leg on a high surface may also help reduce the pain and inflammation.


If the pain is too extreme, doctors may recommend over-the-counter pain meds. However, you shouldn’t use too much of this so you don’t get addicted. If the injury requires surgery, then you’ll have to spend more time recovering. Until then, take care of yourself and follow the doctor’s instructions.


Krystin is a certified IT specialist who holds numerous IT certifications and has a decade plus experience working in Tech. She is a systems administrator for a Seattle IT firm, and she is a leading voice/advocate for Women in Tech. She has been an on-air guest for various radio stations discussing recent tech releases.

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