The Beginner’s Guide to Web Scraping


Web scraping is a process that allows for the rapid collection of data online. It can be used for everything from gathering customer feedbacks to comparing pricing.

Using specialized software, data can be extracted from websites and saved locally. It can significantly speed up a task that would otherwise take hours or days to do manually.

What is Scraping?

Web scraping is a technique to gather data from websites using software automatically. The software, or scraping bot, sends a request to the website, just like a person would. If the site approves this request, the scraper collects all the information in the response.

The information collected by a scraping bot is often used in different industries for various purposes. Some companies use it for market research by monitoring competitors, consumer trends, and online product pricing. Other companies may collect contact information from websites to build email and phone lists for cold outreach.

Some websites take measures to prevent their content from being scraped by obfuscating JavaScript, imposing request limits, monitoring server logs, or blocking IP addresses of scraping software. However, even these methods cannot entirely prevent unwanted scraping. Some websites, such as Facebook, have specific Terms of Service that explicitly forbids using its pages.

What is the Process of Web Scraping?

How web scraping works.?Web scraping is a method for obtaining information or material from websites. It’s a popular method for companies that want to keep up with the competition or gather data for specific projects. It’s also used for e-commerce pricing intelligence, alternative data for real estate, finance, lead generation, and news monitoring.

When a website is scraped, the gathered information is saved to a local file for future use. It allows the user to view and analyze large amounts of data simultaneously. This data is usually displayed in a spreadsheet format for easy viewing and comparison.

Some websites limit the requests that can originate from a single IP address, limiting access to their content. Web scrapers can bypass this limitation by rotating IP addresses using proxies such as VPNs or TOR. That makes it harder for websites to detect and block scraping attempts.

Describe Python

Python is an open-source, general-purpose, high-level programming language that is readable, easy to learn, and a good choice for beginners. It is often used in machine learning and AI programming.


It has a clear syntax that is readable and close to English, with some influences from mathematics. Python code uses indentation instead of semicolons or parentheses to determine the scope of commands and lines, and it supports a wide array of data types. It also has many built-in functions and an extensive standard library.

It suits many tasks, including web scraping and monitoring data feeds. Because it allows different codes to work together, including libraries created in other languages like C, it is sometimes called a “glue language.” However, it is unsuitable for system-level programming, such as device drivers or operating systems kernels.

What is HTML?

Web designers use a markup language called HTML to make online pages. It employs tags to describe the structure and display of text, images, and other web embeds.

These tags are short codes typed into a text file and then opened in a browser. The browser translates the code into a visible rendering of the web page, following the commands given to it by its author.

The HTML document starts with a declaration of its format, called the document type declaration (!DOCTYPE html>). It should always come before any content.

All of the rest of an HTML file is made up of various elements. Each element has an opening tag, followed by one or more attributes, and then a closing tag. For example, the p> tag defines paragraphs. Some elements, such as h1> and h2>, define top-level headings. Others, like ol> and ul>, describe ordered or unordered lists of information.

What is CSS?

CSS, or cascading style sheets, is an acronym. It is a language for creating style sheets that describe how a document formatted in a markup language like HTML should look. Additionally, it can be used with any XML file, including SVG and plain XML.

Without CSS, Web pages would be nothing more than bare-bones text with no design or layout. It is what gives them their visual appeal and makes them look good.

It is an extensible style sheet language that supports many features, including page layout, colors, fonts, and more. Its syntax is simple and uses English keywords to define styles.

One of the key benefits is that it decouples the style information from the HTML document so that it can be easily reused across many documents. For example, if a page has multiple styles applied, the cascading order of those styles will determine how the browser renders them.

What is HTTP Requests?

HTTP requests are messages that web clients, such as browsers, send to internet servers. Servers respond to these requests with responses that communicate valuable information based on the client’s request.

For example, a client can use an HTTP request to ask a server for a particular webpage file. Then, the server can use an HTTP response to return that file and a status code indicating whether the request was successful.

The most common HTTP request methods include GET and POST. Both methods inform the server of what needs to be done with data but GET is read-only, while POST acts on the server. Other methods include PUT, DELETE, TRACE, and CONNECT. Each one has a different purpose, but the message structure is similar. It includes a header with meta-information, an identifier of the requested resource, an HTTP method, and a message body.


Krystin is a certified IT specialist who holds numerous IT certifications and has a decade plus experience working in Tech. She is a systems administrator for a Seattle IT firm, and she is a leading voice/advocate for Women in Tech. She has been an on-air guest for various radio stations discussing recent tech releases.

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