Why Does My Mac Keep Disconnecting from WiFi?

Why Does My Mac Keep Disconnecting from WiFi?

Mac laptops are undoubtedly quality devices, but they are not immune to problems that can turn your internet experience into an awful one. Imagine how frustrating it is for your Mac laptop to keep disconnecting from the WiFi while you are in the middle of a Zoom meeting.

If you are tried of frequent internet disconnections, you should figure out the cause and fix the problem. Keep reading to learn how to fix this issue and restore your internet connection.

Why Does My Mac Keep Disconnecting from WiFi? (Quick Answer)

Your router, operating system, interferences, and ISP are likely why your Mac disconnects from the WiFi. The common causes include an incorrect WiFi location, expired DHCP lease, too many devices competing for the same frequency, and WiFi signal blockage. In addition, your MAC could be trying to join an inactive or weaker network, the DNS may not be functioning correctly, overheating or glitching the router, or your laptop may have software issues.

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How to Fix a Mac That Keeps Disconnecting from WiFi

You can easily solve this issue by establishing a wired connection. However, while this solution lets you use the internet without interruptions, it does not fix the problem.

Here is what to do:

1. Restart the Laptop

This action reboots the operating system, fixing temporary glitches causing your MacBook to disconnect from WiFi. Once your laptop reboots, connect it to the network and see if the issue is fixed.

2. Perform Wireless Diagnostics

If restarting the laptop does not fix the issue, detect common connectivity and WiFi problems by running wireless diagnostics. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Hold the option key, choose the WiFi icon and then click Open Wireless Diagnostics.
  • Select Continue.
  • The test will alert if there is any problem. If the test indicates that your WiFi connection is working as expected, click Monitor my WiFi Connection, then Continue. This action creates a WiFi activity log which you can share with Apple support the next time you encounter issues.


  • Press the command and space keys to access the Spotlight search, type Wireless Diagnostics, and open the Wireless Diagnostics application.
  • Click continue to let the diagnostic tool uncover any existing issues.
  • Click the blue i once the diagnostic summary appears to check the details.
  • Try the suggested solutions to see if they will solve the issue.


Running the Wireless Diagnostic tool can temporarily alter the settings of a network.

3. Troubleshoot Your Router

Restart the router to clear the memory and resets the router system, fixing tasks that may have stalled. Unplug your router from the power outlet, wait for about a minute, then reconnect it. Also, ensure the router is positioned strategically to prevent interferences. Furthermore, make sure the router is running on the latest firmware.

4. Use the 5GHz Frequency

Most devices in your home, including baby monitors, use the 2.4GHz frequency because it offers extended coverage. The problem is this frequency can easily get overcrowded, resulting in connectivity issues, so try the 5GHz frequency.

5. Change Your WiFi Channel

If you do not want to use the 5GHz frequency because you want to receive WiFi from far, change the WiFi channel. Change to 11, 6, or 1 WiFi channels because they are 2.4GHz top non-overlapping channels, giving you a better WiFi signal.

6. Prioritize a Specific WiFi Network

Your MacBook will default save the WiFi networks you connect to on the preferred networks list. The problem arises when your laptop tries to connect to the various saved networks, causing the laptop to keep disconnecting from your WiFi. Prevent this problem by prioritizing the WiFi network you wish to use to ensure it is the one your laptop will seek.

  • Choose System Preferences after opening the Apple logo, then select Network.
  • Choose WiFi, then go to Advanced.
  • Drag the WiFi network you prefer to the top on the Preferred Networks.
  • Click OK

7. Forget the Network

You can also forget and rejoin the network if the WiFi keeps disconnecting.

  • Access the System Preferences and Network through the Apple logo.
  • Choose WiFi, then choose Advanced.
  • Delete the network that keeps disconnecting by clicking the button.
  • Reconnect the WiFi network.
  • Repeat the process if multiple networks keep disconnecting.

8. Enable the Location Services

Turning on the location services can help improve and stabilize your WiFi connection. You can switch between different locations to see which one works the best.

9. Modify the MacBook’s Sleep Settings

You may notice that your Mac disconnects from WiFi when locked or in sleep mode due to the sleep settings. Here’s how to fix this

  • Enable the Power Nap when the laptop is using battery power
  • Prevent your Mac from automatically sleeping when the display is off
  • Enable power nap while plugged into a power adapter

10. Renew the DHCP Lease

If all the above solutions fail, try this:

  • Access the Apple menu and choose System Preferences and Network
  • Choose WiFi, then Advanced
  • Click TCP/IP
  • Choose Renew DHCP Lease


You do not have to suffer from your Mac continuously disconnecting from WiFi when there are plenty of ways to correct the mistake. Troubleshoot the problem and try the solutions above to solve the issue.


Krystin is a certified IT specialist who holds numerous IT certifications and has a decade plus experience working in Tech. She is a systems administrator for a Seattle IT firm, and she is a leading voice/advocate for Women in Tech. She has been an on-air guest for various radio stations discussing recent tech releases.

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