
Welcome to Network Finds.

Since I was 5, I have always been fascinated by technology. If I wasn’t testing gadgets at my dad’s workshop, I was unscrewing and connecting wires of dead gadgets to see what would work.

When I turned 7, my dad bought me my first PC, and I started learning how to code (and gaming on the side). I even got paid 10 bucks for coding a website for a local dealership.

I went on to enroll for a Computer Science degree, dropped out of college (which I later finished), and my coding + networking knowledge helped me land my first job as a Network security analyst with a tech startup. I rose up the ranks to the position of a Senior Network Engineer, before venturing into consultancy.

Tom and Max fixing a bug

I have obtained various certifications like CCNP, CISM, and CISA. In the course of my profession, I have solved some of the most complex technology problems.

In this blog, I help solve some of the problems you face in your everyday life. Here are some questions you will find here:

I also share tips on finding the best laptops, routers, and gaming accessories that you can buy. Also, you will learn some cool hacks that you can try at home.

If you have any questions, email me at [email protected].

Welcome, and have fun reading Networkfinds.com.

Tom Russells

Editorial Director